Return to Jarada Productions

Saturday 24 February 2007

So Much To Do...!

OK, let's think back... Thursday was Java (yay!) then I came home and my younger brothers came round for dinner, as well as my Mum.

Friday we had TCP/IP lecture in the morning, then a Maths test on trees, then an hours break, then a Java lecture on Classes, which was the best Java lecture so far!! Came home to find my younger brothers there and completed the remaining Avatar episodes that I hadn't already watched. Now just to wait for Book 3 and see what happens from the cliffhanger of the season finale... Then I finished off the evening with Guild Wars before heading off to bed.

Then today was Guild Wars and... more Java Programming! I have found throughout the past two weeks that I have enhanced my Java project I'm working on more and more, fixing minor bugs by the bucketful (both in design and code), and implementing vast numbers of features. I'd say I'm over halfway through the 'turn-based' combat mode (not including the text-based story mode that makes up the other half of my Java program).

OK, well that was a really short run-through of the past three days. I really should write on a more regular basis, but you know how it is... there's always so much to do!!

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