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Wednesday 7 February 2007

Life's Like A Box Of... Broken Appliances

Forgot to post up a blog yesterday. Not much happened... went to Uni, had various Maths lectures, came home again, played Guild Wars and went to bed. My younger brothers and my Mum came round from my Mum's house, because her gas boiler is broken (1), and her house is like the arctic. Gonna cost a couple of hundred pounds to fix that.

Went and got my car back from the garage today, after that broke (2), and that including the rental is somewhere around half-a-grand. Then, came back and found that my dishwasher has broken (3), and that we're gonna have to pay some more money to get that fixed.

No more needs to be said... I'm going on Guild Wars for a bit...

1 comment:

Magister Komrov said...

lots of broken things sounds bad.