Return to Jarada Productions

Sunday 14 October 2007

Week Beginning: Mon 8th October 2007

This week has been extremely hectic. Monday and Tuesday were filled with Goldsmiths, Wednesday and Thursday mornings were filled with organising my car to be fixed, while during the day I was organising for my Java App to be fixed (still not there with that).

My car was taken in Thursday morning and was ready by the afternoon, so I got a train down to Epsom. South-West trains have a wonderful colour-scheme that should be placed in a kids cartoon series. Their trains are bright red, with yellow around the doors and bright blue doors. Inside the carriages are spacious, with the same colour red on all the bars and seats visible. It's quite vibrant!

Friday was the day of Java at my Uni. I spent the morning at work working on my Java App again, and then spent the afternoon at Uni. The lecture had moved so I had to hunt around the school to try and find it.

The Java lecture was awesome. We got introduced to GOO, the Graphical Object-Oriented package we were going to use for learning advanced Java techniques. I think this term in Java is going to be a breeze!

This weekend was also hectic. Friday night I played and finished Portal (wicked!). Saturday was mainly spent browsing the net and watching the new episode of Avatar (Sokka's Master, more on that later).

Today we went down to Bognor Regis to visit my Nan and Bill. The sun was hot, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, and it was a brilliant clear day at the beach. Wonderful!

More on Avatar later this week... hopefully ;)

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