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Saturday 23 June 2007

End of June

You know, I still know the same amount about Flash as I do when starting the Flash course however long ago my last blog post was. That's life for you, but I think I've found a way to change that, as I've found a really good website for learning programming languages in your own time.

Also I've recently been working on setting up a new way of displaying my external links. This will actually be hosted on my wiki, but I don't consider it ready yet so it isn't officially linked off from my website yet. Maybe in time it will... anyway, you can see what idea I have and watch it grow over the next few weeks as I add in more websites. I have also updated my Recommended Programs page to add in a few more programs.

I've also been playing a new MMORPG: City of Heroes/Villains. It is a really, really good game where you make and control your own Hero or Villain. True, it does require a monthly fee (I'm on a trial atm) but it still is a good game for creating the heroes or villains of your dreams.

Other then that I've not had a bad week (apart from feeling tired at various points this week. Bleh.) I am attending a funeral on Monday, and it's another working week ahead next week.

Hopefully the next blog post will be within a shorter time limit. So, until next time!

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