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Wednesday 4 April 2007

Easter Hols: Preparing for Valencia

A lot happens in a week. So before I talk about the present and future, let me tell you the highlights of the past 7 days since my previous blog entry...

Last Thursday
New TVs! We have finally upgraded our TVs, one that was as old as fifteen years! So we now have a Plasma TV with Digital TV and Sky in the main lounge, a classic TV with Digital TV and Sky in the second lounge, a new VCR in that lounge, and Digital TV in the kitchen. Nice!

Last Weekend
Friday was a lazy day at home. Saturday included a trip to Curry's to get a new Freezer and last minute things to sort out the TV delivery. Sunday included an earlier-then-usual Easter celebration with an Easter Egg Hunt, lots of chocolate, and a Sunday Roast, followed by an evening movie of Superman Returns.

My cousins came round on Monday, and we had a relaxingly active day. If that's possible. And a more relaxing evening. I have to say, heads up to my cousins, they rock!

Yesterday (Tues)
A trip to the doctor's for a minor operation. For what? Oh, you don't want to know... you do? Well, if you don't look to the next paragraph now. I had my toe cut open and an in-grown toenail taken out. Trust me, the worst thing about it was the needle for the anaesthetic.

Today (Wed)
Today so far, I've gone for a redressing at the Doctors, got the new freezer from Curry's, and I plan to go to Chessington Theme Park to pick up my brother and his friend. So a mostly relaxed day really...

The Future
We have a trip to Valencia this Friday - next Wednesday, so I may not be posting blogs. If I can't, I plan to keep a small diary and update you when I get back. Plus, I seem to not be that good at posting blogs anyway...

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