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Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Into 2010: The Next Decade

Heya all! It's been some time, yet again, since I posted. In fact, here's a fact for you; last year I posted just 5 blog posts. That's abysmal!

This year, I intend to do better. A lot better. In fact, I intend to once again get into regular posting of blog articles, but this time, I'm taking a slightly different approach to my blog writing. Instead of posting regular fortnightly posts, I'm going to keep 'running drafts' going. With this approach, I might have various different drafts around different topics running alongside each other, side by side. As I develop each blog post, others might get posted and/or created, until eventually I deem the post ready and it gets sent out.

This way, I will always have something I'm working on. It might be a weekly update, or perhaps it's information on a particular interest, or perhaps I'm reviewing a particular TV show/movie/software/website/etc.

I'm also planning on organising my labels better, although I'm not entirely sure the way to do that. Do you think I should be general about my labels (ie type of post, general area of where I'm posting) or specific (like I have now, individual topics)? I'm more leaning towards the former, but it means going through all my existing posts and updating their labels. Which I guess I need to do anyway...

To show my interest in blogging full-time again, I've gone and got myself a copy of Blogo for Mac, which I will be using to organise my blog posts without even having to be online. Which is awesome!

Right! That's all for now. Hopefully you'll see another new blog post in a future near you!

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