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Saturday, 23 June 2007

End of June

You know, I still know the same amount about Flash as I do when starting the Flash course however long ago my last blog post was. That's life for you, but I think I've found a way to change that, as I've found a really good website for learning programming languages in your own time.

Also I've recently been working on setting up a new way of displaying my external links. This will actually be hosted on my wiki, but I don't consider it ready yet so it isn't officially linked off from my website yet. Maybe in time it will... anyway, you can see what idea I have and watch it grow over the next few weeks as I add in more websites. I have also updated my Recommended Programs page to add in a few more programs.

I've also been playing a new MMORPG: City of Heroes/Villains. It is a really, really good game where you make and control your own Hero or Villain. True, it does require a monthly fee (I'm on a trial atm) but it still is a good game for creating the heroes or villains of your dreams.

Other then that I've not had a bad week (apart from feeling tired at various points this week. Bleh.) I am attending a funeral on Monday, and it's another working week ahead next week.

Hopefully the next blog post will be within a shorter time limit. So, until next time!

Friday, 8 June 2007

Flash Crash Course

As you may have noticed, a couple of days ago I matched my Blog to a similar template to my website. I don't think I'm going to get it to the exact same CSS template as my website (it just doesn't suit Blogger at all) so I'll keep it as this for now.

This weekend I intend to learn ActionScript, the fantastic programming language that makes up Flash. I intend to be an expert in it by the end of the weekend crash-course I'm going to undertake, but we shall see.

I have also started work on Version 2 of Jarada's Time Keepers. Keep an eye on the forums if you want to know what's going on, and of course suggest features! They may well be added in to the next version of this program.

Well, it's super late, so I'm off to bed. Until next time!

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Jarada Productions Renovation!

I have just spent the past six hours or so completely renovating Jarada Productions. Some people will be proud that there are now no more frames! It's all quite posh!

Sure, the CSS was actually made by a professional, as I am not quite up to that standard just yet, but I did adapt it a lot to my needs, and I intend to adapt my blog's page to fit in with the CSS when I get some more time to do it.

For now, it's the early hours of the morning, and I need to get up a early-ish to take my younger brother to his third and fourth exams this week. So I'm off to bed. Until next time!

Monday, 4 June 2007

Welcome to June

Last week was my first week at work. Didn't go too badly, actually. My work involves programming: HTML, CSS, Java, etc. Quite fun!

Also last week, I spent some time investigating the idea of updating my frames website. At current, my website will stay as it is, but I will still be investigating it's complete redesign into something with a less... frames, design.

This week, I'll be staying at home mostly, and driving my brother too and from school. I may go into work/uni's library a couple of days this week as well, and I have an Orthodontic appointment on Wednesday.

I also intend to start posting blog entries more frequently. Ah, I always say that, and then I do for a while, and then I stop and have to say it again. Oh well, that's what I call the cycle of the lazy blog poster. Because they wouldn't be a blog poster if they didn't want to post blogs regularly, lol

Until tomorrow.